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Knowledgebase : Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 > Downloading, Installing and Patching

Even though N3V Games is a "Trusted Developer" with Microsoft, this message may appear until a sufficient number of people have installed the application. The message is: "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running...
For instructions on installing Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019, please see the Installation Guide [] on the TRS19 Help Wiki.
To create a shortcut for TANE or TRS19, simply locate the TANE.exe or TRS19 application, left click to select it, and then r-click and choose from the following options: * Pin to Taskbar (this will create an icon on the bar at the bottom of your scree...
You can update your existing TRS19 (build 105096 or build 105170) installation to the Platinum Edition by following these steps: 1) Double click on the TRS19 icon on your desktop 2) Click on Trainz Settings 3) Click on the 'Install' tab 4) Click on 'Cha...
You can access your Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 download by following these steps: 1. Copy and paste this url into your browser 2. Log in using your MyTrainz username (same as your Trainz Store username) 3. C...
BEFORE YOU GET STARTED 1: This installation will require 40GB free disk space on your C: Drive. 2. Your hardware must meet our minimum requirements to run Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019. Please visit
You can register your boxed version of Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 by following these steps: * Log in to MyTrainz > Serial Number ( [
If the progress bar has reset, such as after clicking retry after a connection failure message, you can check that the download is progressing by following these steps: 1) Open Windows Explorer (aka File Explorer, My Computer, etc) 2) Locate the folde...
Trainz uses a localisation file which provides localised translations into various languages. It is possible to manually override the exiting translations by updating the files. IMPORTANT NOTE: By updating the files, you will not be able to update your g...
PC USERS To find out your system specification, you need to run a program called dxdiag * Click on the Windows Start Menu, type in dxdiag and click on dxdiag under the Programs heading. * The diagnostic tool appears in a new window and may take a ...
It is possible for multiple versions of Trainz A New Era and Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 to co-exist on one machine. However there are some rules to follow to ensure smooth operation. Please note also that this advice is provided as a guide only. We ...
When installing the TANE or TRS19 PC edition from the DVD or USB key or offline digital download installer, the installer will show "Copying Payload Data'. This process copies the installer files to your hard drive to then install Trainz. This may take ...
For Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019, the main installer installs the 'core' installation of Trainz. This is the same version as the Digital version. The remaining content is install installed separately, either by downloading in-game or by following the ...
It is possible for multiple versions of Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 to co-exist on one machine. However there are some rules to follow to ensure smooth operation. Please note also that this advice is provided as a guide only. We are not responsible f...
Depending on your hardware and the version you are installing, when you first start the game the "Starting TANE..." message can show for 1-10 minutes. (Perhaps even longer on older hardware). This is because Trainz requires Shader files to be built and ...
For Trainz A New Era and Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019, Downloadable Content (DLC) items ordered through the Trainz Store will appear as "Available to Download" when you next start Trainz. NO SERIAL KEY is required and there is no external download lin...
Please ensure that you have fully followed the registration instructions on the registration pamphlet in the box. You must enter your serial number on both the 'serial number' page, and the 'redeem trainz code' page (this provides access to the addition...
There is currently a known issue with the Steam edition of TRS19 which will cause the error message "Package installation failed to provide any of the expected packages for resource 'steam:(ID number)'." to occur. This is being looked into by the Trainz t...
This article provides a step by step guide to updating your current Trainz build to a new build. GUIDE TO UPDATING YOUR BUILD - WINDOWS: * Start Trainz * Click on Trainz Settings > Install tab > Check for Updates * If a patch is available, click ...