Please use the Search Box above to search for keywords related to your issue. Using one or two keywords works best.

For quick answers to general usability questions, we recommend your visit our friendly Trainz forums,

To submit a Support Ticket, click on the Troubleshooter Button, then follow the steps through to the appropriate Category. Login using your Simulator Central or MyTrainz Username and Password.


To ensure we can provide quality, timely responses to as many customers as possible, we have made some changes to the helpdesk support service.

  1. We will only support tickets submitted in English. Please use an online translation tool to translate your messages.
  2. We will assist users with problems related to orders, downloading, installation or access only.
  3. Any questions about general product usage will be referred to our community forums, Trainz wiki and Knowledgebase articles.
If your ticket does not meet these requirements, you will receive a standard response informing you of the new requirements.

Thanks for your understanding.
Downloading and Installing from
Posted by N3V Games (Paul) on 09 July 2015 08:10 AM

This article provides step by step instructions to locate and download products ordered from the Trainz Store at

1. Trainz A New Era

2. Trainz 12 and Older Items (Scroll down)

3. Trainz Model Railroad (click here for detailed instructions)

4. Downloadable Content - DLC (Scroll Down)

1. Trainz A New Era - Digital Edition

There are two options to choose from to download and install TANE:


  1. Click the link at the top of the store to log in to your MyTrainz account.
  2. Click the Download TANE link in the left margin
  3. In the Full Installer section, click on the "Download T:ANE" link
  4. The full installer (8GB for Standard Edition) will begin downloading
  5. If the download drops out during downloading, we suggest using a Download Manager
  6. Extract the zip file using WinZip or 7Zip
  7. Click on TANE_Patch_ Installer.exe to start the installation process
  8. Choose the location to install TANE
  9. Click Next
  10. Click Install
  11. If prompted by Windows, click Yes to allow the installer permission to install
  12. The installation process will continue and then show "Complete".
  13. You are now ready to start Trainz.


  1. Click the link at the top of the store to log in to your MyTrainz account.
  2. Click the Download TANE link in the left margin
  3. Click on the "Download T:ANE online-installer" link
  4. A small download will begin. Choose "Keep" if Windows ask you whether to Keep or Discars
  5. Click on the .exe to self-extract the installer and begin installation. 
  6. The installer window will open. Click Next to begin installation.
  7. Click Agree to accept the EULA
  8. Choose your install location and click Next
  9. Enter your MyTrainz Username and Password used to order TANE
  10. Select Public Release Stream and click Next
  11. The installer will check the servers and present the build you will be installing. Click Install to continue.
  12. Click Yes to accept the warning and allow the installer to continue.
  13. After checking your configuration, the installer files will now begin downloading (~8GB for Standard and 9.7GB for Deluxe Edition)
  14. If the download drops out during downloading, click Retry and the download will pickup again where it left off.
  15. Once downloaded, the installation process will continue and then show "Complete".
  16. You are now ready to start Trainz.

NOTE: For DVD Installations, please see "Offline Installer" above for instructions.

If you have trouble downloading and would like instead to order a DVD version by Air Mail for the cost of postage and handling, please click this link.

2. Trainz 12 and Older Items

Step 1: 
Log in to using the same login as when you ordered the item.

*If already logged in, then click on 'MyTrainz' at the top of the page.

Step 2:
Click on My Digital Downloads to show a list of your downloads.

Step 3:

For Trainz Simulator 12 click on EACH of the setup file links to download all 6 files (see image below).

Note: For Trainz: A New Era click on 'TANE Download Page', then choose one only of the mirror sites of the offline installer or choose the online installer (recommended).

Step 4:

If left-clicking does not commence the download, you can use right-click "Save As" and then choose the location to save the files(s). 

Step 5:

Once your download commences, you can track progress in your browser.

To show your downloads use Ctrl-J (in IE, Chrome or Firefox).


Step 6:

View the list of Downloaded files and when all files have downloaded, click Show in Folder

List of downloads

Step 8:

You are now ready to install your downloaded item. Sometimes you will need to unzip the file first, and other products are ready to begin installing by double-clicking the setup.exe file.

(You can ignore any "publisher verification" warnings).


  • We recommend that you use Google Chrome to download.
  • Copy your serial number from the My Downloads area (if prompted) during install
  • Do not try to run Setup prior to downloading all files
  • All files must be in the one folder to run setup
  • If the setup file is not recognised, or you are asked to Open the file, then right-click the file > Rename and add .exe to the filename, then double click the file to launch the installer
  • If you are asked to Insert a Disk, usually means you have not completed downloading all the required files, have unzipped the files into a different location from the setup file or they have been renamed by WIndows when downloading. For example: setup(2)-1a.bin is the incorrect file name. The (2) is added if you redownload the same files multiple times.
    The correct naming convention is setup-1a.bin
  • Use Winzip, 7Zip or Winrar to unzip the files

If you have any problems during this process, please reply to this ticket and include information on which step could not be completed and what error message you are getting. 

4. Downloadable Content (DLC)

For Trainz 12 SP1 and beyond, DLC items appear in-game for download based upon the username used to log in.

Steps to follow:
1. Ensure you have the latest public release version installed.
2. Ensure that you're logged in with the same account that you used to purchased the DLC item.
3. If you have a boxed product, ensure the "Disable Online Features" box is unticked.
4. Open the Launch window and click Start Trainz.
5. Navigate to the Routes Menu and wait a minute or so.
6. The "Asset Download" window will appear and list your items available to download.

Still not showing?
1. Recheck the Product Page to ensure the DLC item is compatible with your version of Trainz.
If you do not have TANE SP1 installed, check this link:
2. Recheck the steps above
3. Check in Content Manager to ensure it isn't already installed.
4. For help in updating your version of TANE to SP2, please visit these links:


Tag: Insert disk, insert disc, disk error, disc error

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