Please use the Search Box above to search for keywords related to your issue. Using one or two keywords works best.

For quick answers to general usability questions, we recommend your visit our friendly Trainz forums,

To submit a Support Ticket, click on the Troubleshooter Button, then follow the steps through to the appropriate Category. Login using your Simulator Central or MyTrainz Username and Password.


To ensure we can provide quality, timely responses to as many customers as possible, we have made some changes to the helpdesk support service.

  1. We will only support tickets submitted in English. Please use an online translation tool to translate your messages.
  2. We will assist users with problems related to orders, downloading, installation or access only.
  3. Any questions about general product usage will be referred to our community forums, Trainz wiki and Knowledgebase articles.
If your ticket does not meet these requirements, you will receive a standard response informing you of the new requirements.

Thanks for your understanding.
Installing TANE SP2 Deluxe DVD Edition
Posted by N3V Games (Paul) on 05 October 2017 10:33 AM

This article provides a step by step guide to installing TANE Deluxe SP2 using the new DVD installer (for Box edition disks received in 2017 or later).


Step 1. 

Insert Disc 1 into your DVD drive

Step 2.

Double-click Installer.exe to begin the installation process. The following screen will appear:

Installer 1

Step 3.

Click Next and the following screen will appear:

Image 2

Step 4.

Read the Agreement and if you agree to the terms, click Agree and the following screen will appear:

Image 3

Step 5.

The default location is as shown above. If this is a new install, click Next.

NOTE: If this folder already exists, your install will show the following warning. 

Image 4

We recommend that you click Cancel and then change the name (e.g. to Trainz A  New Era SP1) then click Next.

Step 6.

When you see the screen below, click Install to begin copying the installation files to your harddrive.

Image 5

Step 7.

This step copies the data from Disc 1 to your harddrive. This requires at least 20GB of space.

Image 6

Step 8.

When prompted to insert Disc 2, Windows Explorer may select a path such as the image below.

Image 7

Navigate to your DVD Drive and click on patch-2.bin then click Open.

Image 8

Step 9.

The Installer will then continue copying the data to your harddrive, then show "Installing" and finally "Install Complete".

Step 10.

When complete, the TANE SP1 Launcher will automatically start. Click Start Trainz to bring up the Trainz Product Key entry window.

Image 9

For new users, enter the Product Key that came with your installation discs.

Step 11.

If you do not have a Key and need to enter it at a later date, the Install Tab allows entry of your correct Key.

Image 10



  • You do not need to re-register in MyTrainz. Just enter the Product Key to activate your build
  • Enter your EXISTING MyTrainz username and password in the Launcher if you want to use the online features (and untick the "disable" box).
  • DRM Free "Deluxe Edition" DOES NOT require you to register your Product Key in MyTrainz.


1. "Path not viable: Filepath already exists"

This error indicates you are trying to install TANE SP1 into a folder that already contains an installation. Please create a new folder for this installation of TANE.

2. "Patch Failed: failed to copy source data to: "

Ensure that you inserted Disc 2 and selected the correct file (patch-2.bin) then clicked Next to continue copying data off the install disks. 

3. "Unable to create installation data temp folder" (result -10)

This error is due to a windows permissions issue. The solution is to manually create a new Folder as follows:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Navigate to C:\Program Files
  • Click New Folder (provide administrator permission when prompted)
  • Type in the name of the folder as "N3V Games" (i.e your new folder path will look like C:\Program Files\N3V Games)
  • Now run the Installer.exe again



Tags: Installer, DVD, Box, disk, disc, 80341, 80345


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